The AACE Journey for Patients With Obesity is your guide as you manage the complex and emotional experience of living with obesity. You are not alone! According to the World Health Organization, over 650 million adults worldwide are fighting obesity. Becoming your own best and well-informed advocate is the first step in living a healthful life.
Obesity is a complex, chronic disease of excessive or abnormally accumulated body fat, resulting in medical problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, liver disease, and even certain cancers. Our Journey for Patients With Obesity is your roadmap for up-to-date information, resources, and tools to navigate your diagnosis, treatment plan, and wellness goals no matter where you are in your personal journey.
Your journey begins here

Congratulations! Reviewing this Obesity Patient Journey is a meaningful first step on your road to better health. Learn about the common causes of obesity; complicating factors, including life circumstances; how to talk to your health care professional about obesity; stigma; bias; and much more.

Initial Assessment
The initial assessment of obesity involves gathering information about your medical history, conducting a physical examination, measuring your body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, performing relevant laboratory tests, and identifying obesity-related complications, all of which help tailor your individualized approach to obesity management.

Diagnosis and Staging
Obesity is not about weight itself, but the health threats it causes due to the effects of excess weight or adipose tissue on your body. Learn how health care professionals go about diagnosing obesity to determine your stage and which treatment options are best for you.

Treatment and Goals
Health care professionals will classify your obesity as stage 1, 2, or 3 to determine the best treatment plan and management goals for your personal lifestyle. Learn about the different treatment options for each stage of obesity.

Care & Continuity
No matter where you are in your personal obesity journey, you can make the most of your life by taking control of your outlook and making healthy lifestyle choices. Learn how to set realistic goals, find patient support groups, and reduce the risk of obesity-related complications to improve your overall health and well-being.