Comprehensive Guide for Patients With Growth Hormone Deficiency from Childhood to Adulthood

Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a condition that occurs when your pituitary gland is not working normally. Discover more about the types of GHD, its signs and symptoms, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and how to actively participate in managing your health through shared decision-making with your healthcare professional.

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10 Things to Consider Before Your Growth Hormone Deficiency Appointment

Whether you live with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) or care for someone with GHD, you can make medical appointments more productive by taking some simple steps. Check out 10 things to consider before your GHD appointment.

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Growth Hormone Deficiency and Traumatic Brain Injury

A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), can occur as a result of a severe blow to the head - such as a bump, hit, or other heavy force. While you may relate a head injury to the risk of damaging your brain, did you know that there are other things inside your skull that can be affected?

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