The AACE Journey for Patients With Thyroid Disease is your guide as you manage the complex, emotional, and often confusing experience of living with a thyroid condition. You are not alone! Approximately 20 million Americans have a thyroid-related disease. Becoming your own best and well-informed advocate is the first step in living a healthful life.
From pre-diagnosis warning signs through care and continuity, our Journey for Patients With Thyroid Disease is your roadmap for up-to-date information, resources, and tools to navigate your condition, treatment plan, and wellness goals no matter where you are in your thyroid journey.
Watch our video to learn how to use the journey to navigate your thyroid condition. Each step of the journey covers a different part of your thyroid disease experience.
Your journey begins here

Signs & Symptoms
The thyroid gland plays a huge role in influencing the function of many important organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and skin. Your entire body can be impacted if your thyroid is not functioning properly. Learn how to recognize common signs and symptoms of thyroid disorders and when to see your health care professional for a diagnosis.

Thyroid screening looks at two ways your thyroid can malfunction: hyperthyroidism (when your thyroid produces too much hormone) and hypothyroidism (when not enough thyroid hormone is produced). Learn about thyroid screening options and how to check your thyroid at home.

Undiagnosed thyroid issues can increase the risk for other serious conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis, and infertility. However, most thyroid diseases are lifelong conditions that can be managed with medical attention once diagnosed. Learn about the different types of tests used to determine if you have a thyroid condition.

Planning & Treatment
Treatment for thyroid disease varies depending on the specific condition. Learn about common treatment options for hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease, thyroid eye disease, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's disease, goiters, nodules, and thyroid cancer.

Care & Continuity
No matter what kind of thyroid condition you have, you can make the most of your life by taking control of your outlook and making smart health choices. Learn the steps you can take to help you improve your odds of living a healthy, satisfying life.